Friday, December 4, 2009


when you find something funny on an any ordinary day ... thats great thing.....
dont ever let your self believe it will also be funny whie consuming psychodelic drugs :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

miss me ?

dumb question! who reads this ... i would like to know honestly ... just a comment ... i sweat to write more.

finally back to the world of internet... i'm never going back to my hometown ever again. NO INTERNET. no connection to the world i love to live in ( the web). but now i'm back and this absence of ability to be able to express my actions and thoughts to the world has created a pressure build up! i think its in the frontal left lobe of my brain... i'm not sure... i'm not a doctor

things i want to tak about---

1. how flat illinois is!
2. how much i want to get a tat... plus ideas from you if you will
3. random thoughts i have been building up

ok so number uno... illinois is much to flat. you can see forever so yay you get to gaze of miles and miles of ... thats right!! ladies and gentlemen you guessed it CORN soooo much corn. it fantastic **cough** lame **cough** thats about all i can say about that ... oh except ... i love dimension!! illinois sorry you just fail to meet my expectations on that one. i will let it slide for now just because you have chicago!

number two. i have this great idea. tattoo in each state or city that i stay in for more than 3 weeks... i have a few ideas of my own but i would love any ideas anyone else has .... right now i have the one shown up top.,... its difficult to see but it is a heart inside of a peace sign with rocker hands on the bottom... "peace, love and rock and roll"
my next idea i woud like to have something to do with my strong irish heritage... so let me know ... wat ever i get it will be posted up on here

numero tres!!

my life is the pencil!! or better put... i am the pencil. the pencil is my heart. it beats rhythmically on the page.... slowing down when calm thought arrive and in turn speeds up when i feel a fantastic anxious thought coming on. when the lead breaks my heart skips... however it is fixed very easily ready to beat again... one day my pencil will run out of lead one day i will set it down and not pick it up again. that will truly be the day i die!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

post pone

transformer blew... total darkness in the warehouse we were trying to finish up in.... long story short, did not make it back to illinois tonight... will be back there by about 1 tomorrow though ... so i'm not that upset.

dont really have much thought on anything lately ... in kind of a slump when it comes to intelligent nor relevant thought... i'll pick up

till about a week from now
travelling resident
well of to work in a few min. its been a great few days in indy. by noon today we should know wether or not we will be heading back to Illinois tonight or tomorrow afternoon... i'm really hoping for tonight. the bad news of being at home that i failed to mention and pretty much forgot myself NO INTERNET!!!! wow that is really not going to be fun. oh well maybe i'll go chill at startbucks a couple times while i'm home. keep my life posted and keep this blog updated.

going "home?"
travelling resident

Sunday, November 22, 2009

blah blah blah ....... boring boring boring. apparently boredom cause me to repeat miscellaneous words 3 times. oh well. i'll live with it haha. so one day here made a friend areadly. went to o charley's and befriended the bartender and even got myself a ride to the bar and back to my hotel. people can amaze you sometimes.

still pretty excited to go home tuesday. there are some people that i cant wait to reconnect with. not people that i saw before i left for work. but instead there is one person in particular that i havent seen in about a year. its those kinds of situations that i love and will do anything to make another good first impression. find another friend, keep that friend, see them later on and kick it. pretty much what life is made of... at least for me


its no wonder there is so much hypocritical people in the world. its the easiest type of criticism. it's always been said that you are your own worst critic. you find your flaws easier than anyone. the sad and unfortunate part with most people is that when they find these flaws they refuse to believe that they are true. instead of changing themselves they impose these points of criticism on others. in hand, invoking the quite familiar hypocritical acts that we see everyday.

sad the world we live in... with so many people refusing to believe in their own problems but always ready to get their 2 cents in about anyone else. its quite funny when you set back and watch

travelling resident

Saturday, November 21, 2009

just got to indy ... i missed this place .. loved it when i worked here last year... might have to do a little adventure searching at the bar.... haha . just found out that i might be going back to illinois, "home", a day earlier on tuesday. mixed feelings about being there an extra day but at least now i will have plenty of time for my few friends that i need to make plans with. I really just can't wait to get back out to PA and get that travel check for coming here to indy and back out to there. can you say "money, money!" i can.

8 hour drive to the hotel in indy with my boss, in the company truck.

negatives to this--
he barely talks.
you cant smoke in the car.
he only stopped once and that was at the beginning of the car ride.

we made record time!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


off work kinda early today ... quick day tomorrow then off to indy for a few days ... then to ilinois ... then back to PA woopie!!

i am starting to feel like this town is home... it gets that way with every place i go ... i start recognizing houses on the way back to the hotel ... i start seeing people and they remember me from a night at the bar or some restaurant... its pretty nice ....

but then i leave and start a new home for a extended period of time in a state up to 500 miles away. so i guess its nice in a sense that i feel at home everywhere i go. although, it can also be bad in the sense that i have to adjust each place to get that feeling...

overall i love it. i mean in my head i have more homes than any other person i know... in my heart i have one giant home called the USA... its quite a sensationa feeling when i sit down and et it sink in

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i feel so ridiculous for not gettin much posting done ... i do work 10 hour days 6 or 7 days a week ... but still no excuse .... so work was not bad ... PA is still beautiful i really love it ... i hope wherever they send me next has just as many rolling hills and a great sunrise over them to for compliment. i'm from illinois so i'm really used to FLAT ... thats it just flat haha .... drama back at home that noone wants to deal with and put me in a rather upset mood last night... making me even happier to be doing what i'm doing.

on a lighter note... gettin a new video camera/ digital camera soon so that means pics to go along with this bogging adventure... i cant wait for that ... hopefully it draws a bit more traffic to the site :)

Monday, November 16, 2009


so we are in lock haven, PA. and when we first got here i guess Denzel Washington was making a movie... its called unstoppable .,... so look for it and just fyi ... i was in the town where it was filmed while it was being filmed haha

off work

dayy now just to see what is for dinner.... most likely will give into my biggest fault again tonight and hit the bar up... oh well ... will still try and get some posts up too ... if anyone were to visit this blog ever that is haha

Sunday, November 15, 2009


another 60 hour week starts tomorrow... time for bed definitely ! goodnight world... see you after work tomorrow


i need some good books to look up that not many people know about... get some more lyrical inspiration in my life... help on this would be greatly appreciated

just a taste

something i wrote awhile back... just an idea to anyone that sees this of what random posts will be mixed in with everyday posts on my blog.....

would you be running into the dark? Or would you consider it running away from the light? For me its kind of both. I love running at night. Especially if i had a rather stress filled day. I dont actually have a reason for running. I just run. I will run all night until morning. When morning starts to come thats when it gets interesting. I run straight west! The whole time i'm running i'm wishing that somehow i would be able to catch the earlier sunset in front of me. Somehow i could reach the day before and redo something. Mainly i'm running away. I'm running from the haunting light that everyone so conveniently calls the "sun". I'm running away from the next day because i simply dont want to face it. I run faster and faster. My feet keep moving but as far as my task goes, i gain no ground. Still i try harder, and harder. The sun behind me teasing me with "new beginnings". I wont fall for it this time sun. i'm getting away from you. I never do. I run past the seemingly empty houses. I run past the streetlights still on, not realizing that there work shift is over now.
I dont look back, in the world i've created where looking back would be looking forward. I will never look back. From the good ol' days of track. The coach would always say " dont look back, your opponent will gain more ground." Well here we go sun. It's you and me. your my opponent from a rival school. and endless sidewalk is my old beat up cinder track. i'll run this race with the intention of winning. I'll run and i'll run. Ill feel accomplished the whole time along the way. but just as i never felt fullfilled on that endless circle in track, i will not feel fulfilled now.
At this point the sky around me will go from black to blue. Then it will continue onto the orangish-blue and finally here comes my bully. Here is the sun to ruin this perfect night that i had made last so long. Here it is to bring on the damn new day.
well the sun is up. I guess i should start walking instead of running now. I've gotta save my strength. The next leg of the race starts in about 12 hours

hope you like it,
travelling resident

rehab for mind

i wrote this a bit ago on livejournal.. would like t share it ........

road to sobriety of unconscious thought checklist for myself. forget how messed up a thought seems.... hmmm CHECK. got that covered. read my words and here my thoughts. you don't like something i thought, something i said? oh well dang, i feel terrible about that . naw, i don't those are my thoughts. they are original no matter what. because they came from my mind. that only happens in one instance in a sense. you can't take my thought and see it through my brain. you may choose the exact words to explain it. i'm sorry though, you used the wrong context. better luck next time.

moving on... dont ignore anything. something has an important sort of input on something else. you think a car that drove by should be a different color. acknowledge that fact. you could be right. you could be wrong. you could be planning out your dream car. hell really you could have just been using 5 seconds of your life for a conscious thought that you normally would spend on no thought at all. congratulations. your life just consciously grew a little bit longer. how does that make you feel? remember, no screwed up or wrong answers. bringing me to number three

just spit it out. anything. spit your words in someones face. extract your lines out of your head and onto paper. yell at the keys of your computer till the screen is a holographic image of you mind. thats no remorse, no worries of who takes what you say what way. explain later talk now. that is who you are. your thoughts are you. they develop you as a person. they get you through everything you have been through. common sense does not exist. that is just a person who thinks their mind has boundaries.

well i'm on my road to sobriety.. i hope you all can follow me ... its not one of those scary roads.. there are no dark paths with spooky trees..... have you ever seen one of those car commercials where they are just driving around.... the roads are more like that. just alittle less rocky. sound good?

getting sober,
travelling resident

day off

Sundays are awesome. if we are lucky we will get the off. after 60 hours throughout the week its great to be able to sleep in. although i still wake up around 7.. its nice to lay around all day.

starting out

i work on the road and started about 3 weeks ago. i am hoping that this job becomes my career for most of my life. i love the travelling and i like the work. i made this blog so that i can just put my life out there. i love to write and i love it when my thoughts are read and commented on.

my future posts will be a mixture of places and events involved in my life because of me moving around. posts will also be about random thoughts. my views on life and any other wonderful thing that pops in my head.